Explodapedia: The Gene


by Martynoga, Ben, Allain, Moose | Children’s, Teenage & educational
Published 06/04/2023 by David Fickling Books in the United Kingdom as part of the Explodapedia series
Paperback | 160 pages

SKU: 9781788452458 Category:

There are 40,000 genes in every cell of your body. Together, they carry all the instructions needed to make you. Nobody else has exactly the same genes as you do: you are completely unique.

Based on up-to-the-minute science, The Gene explores how these tiny tangles of DNA build and operate all living things. See what genes can reveal about you, and find out how today’s scientists ‘edit’ genes. Will these breakthroughs help or harm our future?Grow your knowledge of genes, with the EXPLODAPEDIA!

Weight 0.146 kg


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